Sunday, February 1, 2009

RSL error 1 of 1 / error #2048 and Vista

A user reported a problem using a Facebook Flex app that uses Runtime Shared Libraries. On Vista/IE they tried to load the app and got this error : RSL error 1 of 1 / Error #2048

In Googling the error, most everyone said that the server needs a cross domain file -- but that is in place and I'm not able to replicate the issue in WinXP(Firefox and IE) or Mac(Firefox).

One forum ( indicated that a MIME type was needed for the .swz file so I put this in the .htaccess file: AddType application/x-swz .swz

But that didn't fix it either.

Finally I was looking at the date stamp for the framework_3.0.0.477.swf and framework_3.0.0.477.swz files and found that the ones on the server were older than the ones in the bin-debug directory of Flex (the server ones were 4 months while the latest ones were 2 months old). Anyway, I pushed the newer ones to the server and the app loaded perfectly.

Odd that this would only appear with Vista/IE. I was not able to test it with Vista/Firefox...

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