Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to lock a layer in After Effects and still be able to edit it

I have been working with After Effects to modify a film clip that needed an animated mask to hide part of the image. However, every once in a while I would select the layer by accident and move it--which if you don't catch your mistake immediately, messes up your entire animation. Anyway, a bit of Googling and I found this brilliant (and simple solution here):

The short version is to select the layer in question, open the expressions panel for the "position" property and place the current position of the layer in brackets like this [123,23]. This simple script resets the position of the layer back to the original every time you mistakenly move it. BRILLIANT!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

inDesign pixelated photos while printing

I am working on an InDesign project that uses a lot of image. I kept having a problem where the images would look fine on screen but when I printed the file some of the photos were pixelated (but not all of them).

Fortunately I found a forum post with the answer:

Choose Print>Settings>Graphics
and then under Images set "Send Data" to "All"