Saturday, November 29, 2008

Making sense out of Facebook feeds - Part one: Template Bundles

I'm trying to make posting content to a Facebook feed work and have run into quite a few problems finding a good tutorial that actually works. So I'm posting these notes for myself and anyone else who might find them useful:

In order to publish a item from a Facebook application to a users feed you need to follow a couple of steps:

1. Create a "Template Bundle": This is a template that contains up to three types of feed templates, a title only (one line), a title and short content (short story) or a longer amount of content (full story). The template contain "tokens" which are essentially placemarks where dynamic content will be inserted once a user actually publishes content to their feed using this template. Tokens have this format {*name-of-token*}. {*actor*} and {*target*} are two reserved tokens and if used will be replaced with the name of the facebook user {*actor*} and/or the target of the action {*target*} such as : "Joe tagged Joanie". There are additional reserved words that can't be used for token names such as "flash", "images", "mp3" and "video".

Here is an example of a php page that creates and registers a template bundle. In this example we will use the {*actor*} token and also create a another token called {*author*}:


// create the different feed templates

// one line feed template

$one_line_story = array('{*actor*} saw a great video from {*author*}!');

//short story template

$short_story = array(

'template_title' => '{*actor*} saw a great short video from {*author*}!',

'template_body' => 'Check this video out >'


//full story template

$full_story = array(

'template_title' => '{*actor*} saw a great full video from {*author*}!',

'template_body' => 'Check it out! I found on <a href="">YouTube</a>: <br/>'


// now register the bundle

$res = $facebook->api_client->feed_registerTemplateBundle($one_line_story, $short_story, $full_story);

// this is the template bundle id

echo $res


2. Once you've registered this bundle you can save the id you got in the last line:
 echo $res 
or go to the Facebook Developer "Registered Templates Console" ( and get the ID for the particular template you want to use later.

3. Now you are ready to set the feed.

4. Lets say that you have a canvas page where you post a number of videos from YouTube and CNN. On the page you want to allow the user to let people know which one they looked at--such as: "Bill watched a video from CNN". To do this you need to create a form on your page with a required tag fbtype="feedStory" and the action param that points to a php page that will process the feed content and post it for you:

<form fbtype="feedStory" action=""> 

<select size=2 name="author">

<option value="" selected="true">Select an author</option>

<option value="CNN" > CNN </option>

<option value="YouTube"> YouTube</option>


<input type="submit" label="Submit" /> </form>

5. Now here is the php processing page:


$feedReturn = array(

'content'=> array(

'feed'=> array(


'template_data'=> array (


// add additional tokens here





echo json_encode($feedReturn);


Once the user has submitted the form from the canvas page, this page will process the information and post the feed. However, this sample will only post text. While I have successfully implemented adding an image to a short story feed post, I have been unable to add flash, videos and mp3s - despite following the Facebook documentation closely. Hopefully I will be able to figure this out shortly and add to this post later...


Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for posting this man. I've been trying to figure out this whole feed publishing thing for the past 3 hours now, and your post really put some pieces together for me.

Even with the new Feed Template Console, the documentation is lacking. This helps a lot!

Cliff Jones Jr. said...

Argh!!! Why is this so hard? I don't get it.

I'm to the point where everything seems to be in place and I don't get any error messages... but nothing is posting to my wall either. I'm not even getting the dialog to ask me if I want to post.

I have my feed template registered, my processing page set up with the form pointing to it... Am I missing something?

Unknown said...

put your call in a try catch block. chances are there's an exception, and the error messages in the exception are more useful than the documentation.

Developer said...

can you please tell me how can I add an image to a short story feed post,

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I agree, the documentation is seriously lacking in this area. If I find anything else out while trudging ahead, I'll be sure to post :)