Friday, November 28, 2008

Facebook and Flash -- problem with fbjs-bridge

I'm learning the hard way how much of a pain it is to develop apps for Facebook. Documentation is quite bad, there are very few good tutorials-- and they change things without saying anything.

Here is a GREAT example. I'm trying to use their fb:fwjs-bridge to allow an swf file to communicate with js on the facebnook page -- using a localConnection. But it turns out that it completely fails if you don't place the fb:fbjs-bridge tag ABOVE your own swf file tag (fb:swf). If you put it below, nothing works.

Makes NO sense but there it is.....

1 comment:

Beshoy Girgis said...

Don't you wish Facebook would slow down on their development and and do it right from the get-go?

They're taking on too much of Microsoft's approach.

They need to learn from Google not Microsoft lol